Place a regular order by following these steps:
Click on the Order Now button to access our ordering form. Fill out the order form with the details of your assignment which include academic level, type of paper, discipline, number of pages, formatting style and number of sources. Fill in the blank space with the instructions and guidelines of the paper or simply upload the assignment prompt. If it’s a technical paper, use the Technical Order page or simply send the assignment directly to our support team.
Our ordering system is integrated with PayPal. So, you can securely pay for your order using PayPal. We are also developing the ordering system to include other payment options. If you don’t have PayPal, please get in touch with our support alternative payment options we accept offline.
Your account will be created once you submit the assignment to us. You can login from time to check the progress of your order. You can also laisse with your client manager or support time whenever you want to communicate with any writer whom we will assign you or provide extra information for your assignment
We will upload a completed paper to your client account before the deadline. Our ordering system will automatically notify you through email that your paper has been uploaded. It’s your obligation to login into your client account to download and review the paper. If you are not satisfied with the paper uploaded in your account, request a revision. We offer free unlimited revisions at no extra cost.
The steps above, especially the first step, are for placing a regular order which you can quantify in terms of number of pages. If you want to place a technical order which you can’t quantify in term of number of pages, you the “Technical Order” option. Usually, our support will give you a no-obligation quote and tell you how to proceed with placing your order.
Otherwise, you can also chat with our support team if experience any problem placing a technical order. You can easily reach out to our support team through email ([email protected]), WhatsApp number or directly through our online chat feature. Whichever contact option you use, we will respond to you in a record time.